Angels-In-Training Movies on the Set in Pictures

Angels-In-Training: Dating Angels Premiere


The Girls - Stars of God

Jamel Anderson plays Bo

Emily Moore, Ingrid Moss, and Ava Justin

Debbie Johnson, Producer - Director - Writer

Ava and Ava

Dallas Smith, Nurse, with Ava

Lynnea (played Young Sharma's mom) and Ivory Doublette

Dallas Smith played Nurse

Ben with Barbarajo's beautiful Flower arrangement

Ava Justin played Young Sharma

Ava Hundly played Young Megan

Ava and Ava

Emilly Moore played Lexie, Ingrid Moss was Angel Tanya

Emily Moore, Ingrid Moss, Timotha Lanae

Flowers by Barbarajo

Nick Michael, Director of Photography and Editor

Richard Woods and wife Jennifer

The Lauds, with Xavier, who played baby Zack

Sedrick Halburton with on-set daughter, Ava Justin

Sedrick Halburton with on-set wife, Lynnea Doublette

Sedrick, Young Sharma's Dad

Angels-In-Training: Dating Angels

Nick Michael, Director of Photography, Joetta Wright and Jamel Anderson at the dinner table.
Nick Michael, Director of Photography, Joetta Wright and Jamel Anderson at the dinner table.
Nick Michael, Angel Photographer.
Nick Michael, Angel Photographer.
Joetta Wright, Xavier Laud with Angels-In-Training Director/Producer Debbie Johnson.
Joetta Wright, Xavier Laud with Angels-In-Training Director/Producer Debbie Johnson.
Xavier and mother, Coco Laud.
Xavier and mother, Coco Laud.
Ava Hundley with Lauren and Zach Jannisch.
Ava Hundley with Lauren and Zach Jannisch.
Jamel Anderson with Joetta Wright and Xavier Laud.
Jamel Anderson with Joetta Wright and Xavier Laud.
Ava Hundley positioning for Nick Michael, Director of Photography.
Ava Hundley positioning for Nick Michael, Director of Photography.
Angels-In-Training Director/Producer, Debbie Johnson with Sue Gerver and Ava Hundley.
Angels-In-Training Director/Producer, Debbie Johnson with Sue Gerver and Ava Hundley.
Joetta Wright and Molly Ryman face to face.
Joetta Wright and Molly Ryman face to face.
Ava Hundley with Angels-In-Training Director/Producer, Debbie Johnson.
Ava Hundley with Angels-In-Training Director/Producer, Debbie Johnson.
Molly Ryman, Joetta Wright and Erick Sommers, Sound Tech.
Molly Ryman, Joetta Wright and Erick Sommers, Sound Tech.
Director of Photography, Nick Michael behind the camera.
Director of Photography, Nick Michael behind the camera.
Sound Tech, Erick Sommers with Zach and Lauren Jannisch.
Sound Tech, Erick Sommers with Zach and Lauren Jannisch.
Joetta Wright and Emily Moore.
Joetta Wright and Emily Moore.
Director of Photography, Nick-Michael, in Heaven Scene
Director of Photography, Nick-Michael, in Heaven Scene
Sabastian Love, Sound Tech
Sabastian Love, Sound Tech
Actress Molly Ryman and Dad
Actress Molly Ryman and Dad
Head Angel, Maria Gonzal-Torres ez and Director, Debbie Johnson
Head Angel, Maria Gonzalez-Torres and Director, Debbie Johnson
Theater scene with Ingrid Moss helping.
Theater scene with Ingrid Moss helping.
Shakes for juice bar scene.
Shakes for juice bar scene.
Juice bar Angel Jack (Chars-Bonin)
Juice bar Angel Jack (Chars-Bonin)
Angel Tanya (Ingrid Moss) with Sharma (Joetta Wright) and Mega (Molly Ryman)
Angel Tanya (Ingrid Moss) with Sharma (Joetta Wright) and Mega (Molly Ryman)
Bo (Jamel Anderson) and Sharma (Joetta Wright) talking.
Debbie Johnson, Producer/Director, Nick Michael, Director of Photography, Sabastian and Erick, Sound Techs.
Debbie Johnson, Producer/Director, Nick Michael, Director of Photography, Sabastian and Erick, Sound Techs.
Soul Survivors Director Debbie Johnson with Nick Michael, Director of Photography
Angels-In-Training Director Debbie Johnson with Nick Michael, Director of Photography
Theater scene with Nick Michael, Director of Photography
Theater scene with Nick Michael, Director of Photography

Nick Michael, D.P. and Jamel Anderson, who plays "Bo", doing voiceover recording.

Nick Michael, D.P. and Jamel Anderson, who plays "Bo".

Timotha Lanae to Release New Music CD

Timotha Lanae and Debbie Johnson at CD Release Party.
Debbie Johnson (SS Producer/ Director) with Timotha Lanae (plays Tory in Angels-in-Training) at Release Party for her newest CD “Rewind”….

From Timotha:

The album isn’t available online yet but will be via my website in the next month. You can link to my website for now to bring awareness to my music and videos. Thank you so much! The link is:

Discover What People Have to Say About the Angels-In-Training Premiere!


Angels in Training Premiere


Chars Bonin (Angel Jack)

Krisha Saxon (Angel Tanya), Chars Bonin (Angel Jack), Emily Moore (Lexie), Rob Ivy (Bryan), and Timotha Lanae (Tory)

Debbie Johnson (Writer/Producer/Director) with Bob Cummings (played Restaurant Owner)

Mallory, Maddie (Young Tanya), and Majic Martin (Matt)

Timotha Lanae (Tory) and her real mom, Marcella, on left

Rob Ivy (Bryan)

Susan Chambers (Young Tanya's Mom)

Timotha Lanae (Tory) with Emily Moore (Lexie)

Chars Bonin (Angle Jack) with Krisha Saxon (Angel Tanya)

Cristian Gayle (Special Effects) with girlfriend Anna

Dale DiMassi (Director of Photography and Editor) with girlfriend Jessica

Dawna McKenna (Counselor Beth) with Debbie Johnson (Writer/Producer/Director)

Elizabeth Adams (Angle Painter) with husband David

Joah Colby (Director of Photography) with girlfriend Anna


Alexa Ashworth (Bryan's older sister, Sara)


Lori Schroyer (The Real-Life "Tory")


Timotha Lanae (Tory and Original Music) and her Music Producer Ben Obi

Richard Doyle (Executive Producer) with friend Patricia

David Otto Simanek (Lexie's Step-Dad)

Joah Colby (Director of Photography) with Debbie Johnson (Writer/Producer/Director)

Angels-In-Training TV Movie on the Set in Pictures


Angels-In-Training actors, Timotha Lanae and Richard Woods with creator/producer Debbie Johnson (middle)

Angels-In-Training on the set.

Angels-In-Training creator/producer Debbie Johnson

Angels-In-Training stars Timotha Lanae and Emily Moore

Angels-In-Training scene with Emily Moore, Timotha Lanae and Chars Bonin as the local sheriff.

Angels-In-Training stars Emily Moore and Timotha Lanae are back-to-back buddies.

Angels-In-Training Stars Timotha Lanae, Jamel Anderson and Emily Moore

Grocery store scene with Rob Ivy, Emily Moore, Brian Bradbury and Amber Rhodes.

Emily Moore and Rob Christenson at Victoria House with Creator/Producer Debbie Johnson and Photo Director Dan Moon calling the take.

Alexa Ashworth with Debbie Johnson and Alexa’s childhood counterpart Lillian Imm taking a break on the Angels-In-Training set.

Ashley Melsness, Baily Brandner, Aiden Lowe and Lillian Imm.

Lillian Imm and Alexa Ashworth. Lillian plays the younger version of Alexa’s role of Sara."